Jacquie Harbord's loop jump
I was struggling with the loop jump for ages (on back outside edge,
up and round once, land on same edge) until I got taught this
preparation by Jacquie Harbord. I haven't seen other people using it
but it does help a lot so I hope she won't mind if I put it up here.
Steps are as follows:
- (1) Push off on LFI with right leg stretched out behind. Arms at
held out at quarter to twelve.
- (2) Half way round, move right leg through from backward to be held
out in front. After doing this, change arms round so they are at 4
o'clock. (I.e. left arm forward, right arm checked somewhat back.)
- (3) Push off onto RFI, leaving left leg stretched out behind until...
- (4) Do RFI3 letting left leg stay behind and finishing in a sitting
position with left leg crossed over right one. You really want it
crossed over, not just in front of you, and ideally at the knee rather
than the ankle. Your upper body should remain vertical. Jackie says it's
like sitting on a crate of eggs. There's a feeling of sinking your left
hip down and back. Your shoulders stay over your hips. Your arms are still at 4 o'clock.
- (5) Prior to the jump, sink down further and deepen the edge. Then
jump up trying to come up off the toe pick (not that I do very well).
While you're learning it you'll want to snatch your arms in to help the
rotation, and in particular pull your right elbow sharply against your
right ribs.
- (6) Land over here somewhere...
Hope I've got that about right. All mistakes are mine, not hers. Good luck...
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