Dave Curtis junk page

My picture
This page is for the unofficial additions to my real homepage, which you can find over here. Some of it may be of vague interest to some people, whereas there is some material whose existence can find no justification whatever.

One thing I do a lot of is ice and inline skating. I've written some stuff about it here.

I'm interested in swing dance and would recommend classes with the London Swing Dance Society. Swing Out London has listings of events in London. I generally go to the Cable Street Rag Band at Jamboree, or anywhere else where Ewan Bleach or Joplin Parnell is playing.

In my youth I used to do a mime and magic act. Here's a clip from it on YouTube.

If you're Jewish, you may find my pages on torah and haphtorah cantillation, seder songs or how to build a succah of some use. If not, you probably won't. In any event, you may want to check this out.

Here are free phrasebooks.

Here are a few links to what I think are some iconic singers doing amazing things.

More ephemeral and/or opinionated stuff occasionally pops up in this blog.